Monday, June 30, 2008

The cutest sound in the world

Came home one evening and heard an unfamiliar sound from upstairs. It was Kyla Rose bursting into laughter, entertained by her mummy. Very very cute!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Conversations with Kyla

OK not quite a conversation but cute enough nonetheless! (Note: Babes' voice isn't usually quite that high-pitched, as most of you would know. Dunno why it comes out sounding like that!)

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Daddy's girl

Here's Kyla Rose Wong, starting off fairly simply before moving on to Tolstoy's War and Peace shortly after. Her first 3,000 word essay on 'The Role of Particle Physics in Burkina Faso's Economic Development' is due next Friday.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

KRW is 6 months old!

Kyla Rose celebrated her 'birthday' with a different rollover, and looked really proud of herself after. Here she is!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Another date for Bubs and Babes

Bubs and Babes caught Michael Buble live in concert at Rod Laver Arena, thanks to Amanda, Jag and Marlene who not only got us the tickets but also babysat Kyla Rose. This Canadian crooner is hugely entertaining, and endeared himself tremendously to the 12,000 or so who packed the hall. Thanks, Mans, Jag and Mars! We really enjoyed ourselves, including strolling along the Yarra River and holding hands under the moonlight as we walked to and from the car...
(picture taken by Paul Trezise for the Herald Sun)

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Light at the end of the tunnel

Kyla Rose slept pretty well the last couple of nights, especially last night. Which is EXCELLENT news... unfortunately Babes got so excited about this development last night that she couldn't really sleep. Meanwhile, we've got priceless footage of KRW rolling over, which we'll try to post in the next day or two. Until then, here's a still shot just before she rolls...

Sunday, June 15, 2008

She's still at it - Night 16

Babes initially suggested not mentioning the number of nights in the title, but then we decided not to sugar-coat it. After all, having a baby isn't just about the cuteness... Anyway, after Babes put Kyla down tonight, she got up 20 minutes later. So we decided to let her cry. And now, more than an hour later, she's still at it. But just to remind us that it's all worthwhile, here's a recent shot of her. Oh and after last week's baby gym session she's also learned to roll over. Very cute....

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

She's still at it

Kyla Rose is still driving us (especially her poor mum) nuts by getting up several times a night, and taking ages to go back to sleep. Hopefully this won't go on too much longer! It's quite possibly attributable to what some people call 'Wonder Weeks', periods of rapid emotional growth. This might also explain why she's a lot more responsive these days, and incredibly cute in the daytime. She's even smiling at everyone else in the mothers' group, where she was previously known as The Serious One. On a separate note, tomorrow's our fourth wedding anniversary! Love you, babes...

Monday, June 02, 2008

Up all night

Bubs and Babes (especially Babes) had an eventful weekend, right after our hot date. Apparently KRW started crying about two minutes before we got home, but seemed alright after. She then proceeded to wake up crying every couple of hours that night, and again last night. No amount of comforting and cuddling would make her fall back asleep for any sustained period of time, and it remains to be seen what tonight will be like. She's asleep right now, but let's see what happens later... we're keeping our fingers crossed. Meanwhile, here are some recent pictures of her, see how innocent she looks?

Our first date (in quite a while)!

After babysitting for someone else in the mother's group on Friday night (basically, I stay at home and look after KRW while Babes goes over to look after the other baby), it was our turn to enjoy a night out on Saturday. We had a great time (and yummy food!) at St Jude's Cellars on Brunswick Street, starting with a Cured Fish Plate to share, followed by fish wrapped in vine leaves with lemon and oregano, as well as lamb cutlets and a lamb pot pie. Sides were marvellous too, cauliflower cheese and an absolutely brilliant green bean salad with hazelnut dressing. Yes, it's true, I really did enjoy the green beans, as unbelievable as that may sound. (image of St Jude's Cellars is from janeyhia's photostream)